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时间:2024-04-27 13:17:26
1、你在我的面前,把爱情玩转的如此花哨。 In front of me, you play love so fancy. 2、春水初生,春林初盛,春风十里,不如你。 Spring water is born, spring forest is prosperous, spring wind is ten li, not as good as you. 3、获得爱情你可以随便用什么办法,而保持爱情却需要智慧。 You can get love in any way, but it takes wisdom to keep it. 4、幸福不是故事,不幸才是故事! Happiness is not a story, misfortune is a story! 5、我很懒,懒得连心里的那个人都不想换。 I'm so lazy that I don't even want to change the person in my heart. 6、换个地方,换个时间,我想重新认识你。 Change the place, change the time, I want to know you again. 7、多想一切都没发生,醒来过后一切依旧。 Think about how it didn't happen, wake up after all the same. 8、好奇是爱情的先锋队,比心动更为可怕。 Curiosity is the vanguard of love, more terrible than heart. 9、你看到的洒脱,都是心碎之后的无可奈何。 You see the free and easy, are heartbroken after the helpless. 10、我该给淋湿的以前加件雨衣。 I should add a raincoat to the wet one. 11、我怕我会离开你,疏远你,很后陌生人。 I'm afraid I will leave you, alienate you, and finally strangers. 12、你离开之后的天空,我像风筝寻一个梦。 After you leave the sky, I like a kite to find a dream. 13、我狠耐我自己,这不叫自恋、这叫自爱。 I bear myself hard, this is not called narcissism, this is called self love. 14、如果你知道去哪,全世界都会为你让路。 If you know where to go, the world will make way for you. 15、青春已经提前毕业,看着梦想不在亲切。 Youth has graduated ahead of time, watching the dream is not cordial. 16、短暂的爱情,终会有一方含着泪说再见。 Short love, there will be one side with tears to say goodbye. 17、也许你不会再想我,也许她比我更值得。 Maybe you won't think about me again, maybe she is more worthy than me. 18、这场故梦里,人生如戏唱,还有谁登场。 In this old dream, life is like a play. Who else will be on the stage. 19、这一生,遇不到彼此很寂寞,遇到了,还是寂寞。 This life, can not meet each other the most lonely, met, or lonely. 20、失恋就像剪掉烫坏的头发,安慰只是温暖的假话。 Lovelorn is like cutting off the permed hair. Comfort is just a warm lie. 21、被时间锁住的东西,还要等时间来打开。 What is locked by time must wait for time to open. 22、别说我很好,我那么好,你为什么不要! Don't say I'm good, I'm so good, why don't you! 23、这个世界除了你,再不会有人这样让我坚定到失控。 There will be no one else in the world who can make me so determined that I can't get out of control. 24、曾经的形影不离,如今的形同陌路,虎视眈眈。 Once inseparable, now with strangers, covetous. 25、不完美的我需要同样不完美的你,携手共创完美的未来。 Imperfect I need the same imperfect you, hand in hand to create a perfect future. 26、被伤的次数太多,原谅我也会默默离开。 I've been injured too many times. Forgive me and leave in silence. 27、吵架的夜晚,我没了你的晚安难以入睡。 I can't sleep without your good night. 28、我喜欢你就是喜欢你,不只是说说而已。 I like you just like you, not just talk about it. 29、给你一巴掌,在给你揉揉。这就是人心。 Give you a slap, knead you. This is the human heart. 30、忽冷忽热很折磨人,反反复复很伤人。 Heat and cold are the most tormenting and the most hurtful over and over again. 31、要离开,就请,永远别再回来。 To leave, please, never come back. 32、一个人,一场雨,一个街角,一座凉城。 A person, a rain, a corner, a cold city. 33、我的男友,只需要做到视我为很好就够了。 My boyfriend, just need to see me as the only one. 34、陪你开枪的很多,替你挡子弹的却很少。 I shot a lot with you, but I shot a lot for you. 35、朋友就是把你看透了,还能喜欢你的人。 A friend is someone who sees you through and likes you. 36、你何必急着放开我的手?失望攒够了,我自己会走。 Why are you in a hurry to let go of my hand? I will go if I have enough disappointment. 37、请你一定要比我幸福,才不枉费我狼狈退出。 Please be happier than me, so that I can quit in a hurry. 38、暗恋的结果,就是看着他有自己的对象。 The result of secret love is to see that he has his own object. 39、传说信天翁的爱情只有一次、至死不渝。 It is said that the love of albatross is only once and will not change until death. 40、忘了,有时候是很坦诚,很勇敢的答案。 Forget, sometimes the most honest, bravest answer. 41、给我一个拥抱,让我一如既往的去相信。 Give me a hug, let me believe as always. 42、还爱着,但却分手了。 Still love, but broke up. 43、我允许你走进我的世界,但不可以在我的世界里走来走去。 I allow you to enter my world, but not walk around in my world. 44、牵手是一个很伤感的过程,因为牵手过后是放手。 Hand in hand is a very sad process, because hand in hand is to let go. 45、那场令人窒息的暧昧戏,抹杀了谁的志死不渝。 That asphyxiating ambiguous play, obliterated whose will to die. 46、突然听懂了很多情歌,每首都是在讲自己。 Suddenly I understand a lot of love songs. Every capital is talking about itself. 47、既然不能够相守,就让那份情感留在心田,留在回忆中。 Since we can't keep each other, let that emotion stay in our hearts and memories. 48、羡慕那些结伴情侣,回想曾经的那个你。 Envy those couples, think of you. 49、管我有多差。在这个世界上。就一个我。 No matter how bad I am. In this world. Just me. 50、若阳光褪色可不可以让我回到从前那个。 If the sun fades, can I go back to the one I used to be. 51、你总是给我一丝希望,再让我彻底绝望。 You always give me a glimmer of hope, and then let me completely despair. 52、都说时间可以抹掉一切伤痕,而我的伤口却在发炎。 It's said that time can erase all wounds, but my wound is inflamed. 53、世界太大我还是遇见了你,世界太小我还是弄丢了。 The world is too big I met you, the world is too small I still lost. 54、在梦中告诉自己,情也悠悠,恨也悠悠。 Tell yourself in your dream that love is long, and hate is long. 55、没有你,就算把世界给我,我还是一无所有。 Without you, even if the world to me, I still have nothing. 56、一遍遍的无所谓有着一次次的不堪负重。 It doesn't matter that over and over again you have to bear heavy loads. 57、你的天空是他丶可是我的天空有是誰呐? Your sky is him, but who is my sky? 58、我们都太专注于自己的伤口,忘了要去握住别人伸出的手。 We are all too focused on our wounds and forget to hold others' outstretched hands. 59、当分开的那一刻时,我也知道友也尽了。 When the moment of separation, I also know that friends are done. 60、你梦寐以求的,不一定是适合自己的。 What you dream of is not necessarily for you. 61、你能不能像初识那般热衷于我。 Can you be as passionate about me as you first met me. 62、我真的爱过你,我骗不了自己。 I really love you. I can't fool myself. 63、延漫’感伤、你终究不会明白我的悲伤。 You will not understand my sadness after all. 64、当爱情走到边缘的时候,什么理由都将是分手的借口。 When love comes to the edge, any reason will be an excuse to break up. 65、多想有一天,我们不再互道晚安,而是睡在彼此的身旁。 How I want to one day, we no longer say good night to each other, but sleep beside each other. 66、向日葵的花海、承载了我对你的所有爱。 The sea of sunflowers carries all my love for you. 67、嘟起小嘴的时候,我在向往落叶的生活。 When doodle small mouth, I am yearning for the life of fallen leaves. 68、认真的做一件事,至少不会错的太离谱。 Seriously do a thing, at least not wrong too far. 69、我可以坚强到没有眼泪,却无法真的无动于衷。 I can be strong enough to have no tears, but I can't really be indifferent. 70、饮月千尺,寂夜成相思,难挥情丝一缕。 Drink a thousand feet of the moon, lonely night into Acacia, hard to wave a wisp of love. 71、多少年后,离人成陌,见面沉默。 How many years later, leaving people into a stranger, meet silence. 72、沒有一輩子的完美,卻有一輩子的遺憾。 There is no perfect life, but there is a lifetime of regret. 73、不再依赖你,于是所有爱情都选择放弃。 No longer depend on you, so all love choose to give up. 74、这年头,谁不是带着箱子的面具走天涯? These days, who is not wearing the mask of the box to go to the end of the world?





